
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Monday Money Magic - Modern Numismatic Security

Scan this code and it should read / or take you to my website!

Nowadays there are tons of options available at anyone's disposal.  Some have vaults, some have safe deposit boxes, safes and the like to protect their collections and their investments.  There aren't too many budget friendly options available, but I have figured out my own solution to this problem!  My solution, a self-inking stamp with a QR code imprinted on it.  You can use it to stamp your entire collection if you get the right size; and you can stamp rolls, boxes, coin flips (vinyl and mylar), and anything else that the ink will dry on.  Thieves may be able to steal you collection, but if they sell your coins, notes or anything else that is valuable and never bothered to take the QR code off and someone scanned it, all of the information that you would want on the QR code would be available and it would be easy to prove ownership.  

The QR code is great, especially in the age of smart phones and better technology.  QR codes say absolutely nothing on the face, so they really disguises a great deal of information in a little code.  Many people used to put "Property of John Doe, Address, Telephone, etc" but it was obvious and someone would see it and likely take the coin or paper money out of its holder and sell it to a buyer.  The QR code is very clandestine in the way it holds information in a not so obvious way.  You can put a number of things in your own QR code like Name, Address, Telephone, Email, or whatever you want.  You can easily get one made at Staples, on-site, for about $25.  To create your own QR code, you can visit the following website:  QR Code Generator:

The QR code pictured above was created using the Kaywa QR Code generator.  Give it a try and see for yourself!


  1. Since you're posting Monday's posts on Wednesday I'll help you out. If you don't already know you can schedule posts. This means that you can select any day of the year and any time of that day to publish a post. Under the labels section when you are making a post you will see a tab that says Schedule. Click it, pick a time, day, and month and hit publish when you're finished with the post. Now whatever day, time, and month you have that post set for it will publish. I use this when I know I'm going to be busy for a week or so I just schedule the posts for whatever days I won't be able to post and my blog keeps going daily. Also, I replied to your comment a few posts back. Let me know what you think.

    1. Lol, yeah I know about the post scheduler, I'm just running late on my post this week. Been swamped with work and going to the hospital for both my fiancee and my grandmother. Both have been sick for the last 2 weeks so it's been a headache for me to post things on time. I'm still trying to play catchup right now, but since I have some free time tomorrow, I will probably get a head start on next weeks posts. I've got all my photos, just need some material to post!

      About your comment, was that the one pertaining to the coin trade forum?! I think its a great idea too, I think it would be even better if it was only setup so that it was restricted to bloggers only, so you, me and man + others. Small group, but it would be more reliable and everyone would have a moral obligation to the other. Hell, if you had some coins in mind that you wanted from Canada, Thailand, Korea or Europe, let me know. I would send you a few to keep you goin; just send me an email with your address, I won't share it with anyone! Sharing is caring!

      One other thing though, I already asked Man, but if you ever wanted to do a guest blog on my site and vice-versa, let me know! Man is a little busy right now, but he said he would keep it in mind. Guest segments add an interesting touch to a blog (my opinion), spices things up a little when the blog gets stagnant. Although you are my only, sole, follower, my page views are starting to pick up, so that's a good sign! I know it takes some time to build an audience, so thus far, the number of readers has been exceeding my expectations!

  2. Sorry about your fiancee and grandmother. Hope they'll get better soon! Getting next week's posts done now sounds like a good idea especially if you're going to be busy.

    Yes I was referring to the trade forum. We could make a blog that is restricted to only the people we invite. That way we could keep it small and like you said everyone would be more reliable and everyone would have a moral obligation to the other. As for the coins I doon't have any in mind specifically, but let me know if you have any that you would think I would like.

    Guest blogging sounds like a fine idea. I should be free to post from Tuesday to next Sunday if that'll work for you. If not we'll have to work out another date sometime.

  3. Hey Thanks!

    Yeah a restricted blog would suit my interests just fine; and hopefully others as well!

    I'm still quite busy at the moment, but guest blogging is definitely in the works right now, so I'll keep you posted!
